Home-NewsThe Energy Saving Charcoal Rod Making Machine
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The Energy Saving Charcoal Rod Making Machine

Author:Zhengyang MachineryTimes:2022-09-07 00:28:17
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The Energy Saving Charcoal Rod Making Machine is one of the core equipment for machine-made charcoal production,the quality of rods machine directly determines the the machine-made charcoal quality and factory benefit.After nearly 10 years research and development,Fusheng have developed first, second,third, fourth, fifth, sixth generations of the rods Machine.

The Energy Saving Charcoal Rod Making Machine

The company had eliminated the 1-3 generations of rods machine. The fourth generation of the rods machine called “lazy machine” with three invention patents.It has the advantages of low power consumption, high capacity, strong stability,long time durable. The fourth generation of rods machine can produce high density and consistency of rods, which performance has exceeded developed countries.

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