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What should be paid attention to when purchasing charcoal machine equipment?

Author:Zhengyang MachineryTimes:2021-08-10 22:09:00
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What should we pay attention to when purchasing charcoal machine equipment? With the development of energy conservation and environmental protection, people's awareness of environmental protection and the demand for biomass charcoal continue to increase. Charcoal machines are increasingly favored by the charcoal industry, so the sales market for charcoal machine equipment has also emerged a new fission. The charcoal machine equipment manufactured by Jinhe Machinery is energy-saving and environmentally friendly, and has high production efficiency, so many users are buying charcoal machine equipment, so what should we pay attention to when buying charcoal machine equipment?

1. When purchasing charcoal machine equipment, check whether the charcoal machine equipment has a certificate of conformity, a trademark, whether the appearance is clean and bright, and whether the installation sequence is reasonable.

2. Compared with the materials produced by ordinary charcoal machine manufacturers, the materials produced by regular charcoal machine manufacturers are very good, and the materials produced by inferior charcoal machine manufacturers are low-carbon steel, and the service life and wear resistance are more than five times different.

3. When entering a charcoal machine equipment manufacturer, the appearance of the factory has a lot to do with the machining capability. Some charcoal machine factories rent other people's factories for temporary drying, the quality cannot keep up, and after-sales service cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, when purchasing charcoal machine equipment, try to choose a larger regular manufacturer.

4. In terms of the price of charcoal machine equipment, according to the size of the manufacturer, the material is different, so the price of charcoal machine equipment is also different. Most friends do not want to buy cheap charcoal machine equipment, causing economic and time losses.

charcoal machine
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